Features Diplomat - Visual Voicemail Co
Diplomat - Voicemail Concierge, designed for people to who value their phone calls.Designed from the ground up for busy individuals who may not always have the time to respond or answer calls immediately.
Take control of your voicemail service with Diplomat and stop worrying about voicemails expiring*, being accidentally deleted, or never being listened to because accessing your voicemail is too boring and cumbersome to begin with!
💫- Doesnt lean, or depend on your current voicemail provider or telephone network
💫- Your own telephony infrastructure is provisioned for you
💌- 2️⃣minutes free Diplomat minutes included
📞- Get your own personal voicemail number out the box
💬- Control what your voicemail says
🗺- See location information on your incoming calls
🕐- Voicemails NEVER expire*↪️- Actions: Have your Diplomat call back and ask the caller what they wanted to tell you
📱- View your voicemails at a glance, no number to call to access your voicemail
🔔- New voicemail notifications⌨️- Voicemail Transcriptions
🔎- Caller network information, when available* its important that we keep our infrastructure tidy
Keep using Diplomat and receive at least one call every 27 days to prevent us deactivating your account.
Secure & Private
Your data is protected with industry-leading security protocols.
24/7 Support
Our dedicated support team is always ready to help you.
Customize the app to match your preferences and workflow.
See the Diplomat - Visual Voicemail Co in Action
Get the App Today
Available for Android 8.0 and above